Please find your question and answer to the most commonly requested questions for support
We understand that most times it can be frustrating to not get your purchase straight away. So we've created this resource as the first line of support to help you immediately with the most common problems that people have and the solutions to you getting your purchase.
PLEASE NOTE: WE Are Based In The United Kingdom - So are support times will be 48 hours if you are in the United States or Australasia
In the event that your answer is not covered here, please connect with us at [email protected]
We aim to answer all support calls within 48 hours except for weekends & public holidays - Monday to Friday 10:00am to 4:00pm GMT UK time
Thank you for your patience.
ZOOM - We can also help you out with a ZOOM call to get you up and running. Just contact us and we'll arrange a call.
Access Your Book Bundle
Access Your Book Bundle On The Phone/Tablet
And Find Out Where It Downloads to
You will have been sent an email upon purchase that has the link to your members area. Please click this link, it will automatically log you into your account.
Yes , NOTE: Please note if you unsubscribe, you unsubscribe from everything and will receive NO further emails even if you purchase a new item.
If you've unsubscribe prior to a purchase, you unsubscribe from everything and will receive NO further emails even if you purchase a new item.
We suggest, creating a new folder for the emails to go into. This way you will be able to access any new purchases you make.
Your downloads are located in the 'first' tab on the right handside of the 'course/product' EXAMPLE - 'Patel Pencils Book Bundle' course you have purchased. The downloads are on the lower right hand side of this tab if you're on a PC.
See video above for the Book Bundle Download Location.
You can also get the APP
From your App Store. Login with your details and find everything at a touch of a button.
Sometimes the files are large in size, these can take a few minutes. Please allow at least 5 minutes for them to download. Most sizes range from 5-50MB.
If you still cannot download them, reset your internet connection or change to a new browser.
Finally if you still cannot get them to download, please re-contact us at [email protected]
Please contact us at [email protected]
Your refund is available if you contact us within 3 days of purchase where we have stated on the sales page a refund is available.
Please visit
You can reset your password on this page.
The videos are very large files and can take a minute or two to 'buffer' in your browser - this can sometimes cause sticking if your browser has a lot of 'files' in it (known as cache).
Please allow a minute or two for the video to download into your browser and buffer up, before playing.
If this is unsuccessful:
Please reset your browser by clearing the 'cache' from your browser.
If this does not work, open a new browser in 'private mode' and try again.
If this does not work, please reset your internet connection by pressing reset on your modem or turning it off, l and waiting for 30 seconds before turning it back on.
YES! We offer FREE challenges throughout the year, you're welcome to join these when they happen. Please keep an eye out on our Facebook Page or Adverts.
If you've purchased one of our products you will get notified by email and prior and have priority booking and front of house seats (virtual)
We won't be using Patreon as we have our own in-house members area for courses and lessons.
If you wish to view videos, please visit our Instagram or Facebook page and search under the videos section for videos showcasing either teaching drawing portraits.
Yes I offer Inner Circle tuition starting at £5000 for a minimum of a 6 week period - please contact us for an application form.
4 Book Bundle
How To Get Good Fast
100% risk free - 3 day money back guarantee
Here's what you get:
Get The Materials You Just Need And No More!
Know How to Be A Confident Artist
Discover the Secrets to Realistic Portraits
Learn the How To Price Your Art Right First Time
"Best purchase ever!"
"It has everything in it I needed to start!'
Colour Made Easy
Match Colour To Pencils
Here's what you get:
Matching Charts - so you don't have to
22 Animal Colour references
22 Animal line art
Picture to Chart to Pencil - That Simple
22 Unique High Res Images to draw from
Black Animals
Match Colours To Pencils
Here's what you get:
Matching Charts - so you don't have to
14 Animal Colour references
14 Animal line art
Picture to Chart to Pencil - That Simple
1 Hour Masterclass on 'How I approach each project that is in the Black Collection'
including - challenges
Where to start first
What to pay attention to
How colours work
Why this one lighting trick - turns your art into WOW!
Full 6 hour video Tutorial of the Mormon Butterfly
Learn Bokeh with Dark colours
Discover pristine detail and how to achieve realism like never before
Learn the secret to 'popping' your art that no-one knows about!
Learn how layering really works without muddying your art
"My Art is Just SOO much better!"
"I can't believe how easy colours and choosing the right pencils are now'
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